4 Traditional Easter Wine Pairing Ideas

4 Traditional Easter Wine Pairing Ideas

Easter is around the corner and with it a whole new set of wine pairing conundrums. From pickled fish and chicken to hot-crossed buns and Bobotie, we are offering some much-needed assistance when it comes to Easter wine pairing.

Cape Malay Pickled Fish

Wine Pairing Ideas: If you are making pickled fish for Easter, your ideal white should be crisp, refreshing whites like Chenin Blanc or Sauvignon Blanc.

The acidity of the wine perfectly complements the acidity of the dish. Likewise, the freshness is a contrast to the spices and curry, making it a perfect match. Red wine is not a good option, since it will overwhelm the delicacy of the fish.

Lamb Bobotie

Wine Pairing Ideas: Bobotie is an aromatic dish with complexity and loads of flavour, making it ideal with a weightier wine. Syrah is an excellent option since it has the weight to stand up to the lamb while offering enough softness to allow the dish to shine. It is a comfort-food combination you must try this Easter!

Roast Chicken

Wine Pairing Ideas: Roast Chicken is the perfect dish for any occasion, but it works especially well for Easter Sunday. Try it with unoaked Chardonnay or Sauvignon Blanc. Both these wines are light and crisp, which work with the lightness of the chicken.

Hot Crossed Buns

Wine Pairing Ideas: Since hot crossed buns are so complex in flavours, it is perfect for both red and white wines. For white wines, lightly oaked or unoaked Chardonnay is the best option. The wine’s freshness works perfectly with the warm spices. With red wines, Cabernet Franc is excellent, since the herbs and spices in the wine complement those in the buns.

What are you making for Easter this year? Whatever it is you'll be making, ensure you grab some of our award-winning wines to make it a pairing experience you won't forget! 

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